The Team

The Guardian Mobile Innovation Lab, a foundation-funded team in the Guardian US newsroom with a 2-year mission to explore storytelling and delivering news on small screens.

Also: an analytics team, The Guardian US marketing team, various newsroom collaborators

Mixing media is part of the tradition of storytelling.

The Nuremberg Chronicle – an illustrated biblical paraphrase and world history that follows the story of human history related in the Bible. Published in 1493 by Anton Koberger.

Understanding Comics by Scott McCloud

Principles of Uncertainty by Maira Kalman, 2007

Her Long Black Hair by Janet Cardiff, 2004

Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson, 1883

Serial the podcast, 2014. It had a useful timeline for the story it told. It was posted to their website.

If you enjoyed this podcast episode, you can get bonus photos, maps, and links by visiting our website at”

Images on the web and audio podcasts can go together ?

Are the media contexts compatible?

Target user — Someone who listens to podcast on mobile 1-plus times a week.

Hypothesis — What if a podcast could just deliver a mobile listener useful images, links, and more at the moments during the experience when it is most valuable?

Core questions

Getting there...

“So, you’re the one who makes it all look good.”

Core components

Feeling chatty?





A lot fell into place

What we launched

A few UI decisions...

Jump right in — The primary CTA should be to hit “Play”

Learn by doing — Using it should show you how it works.

Familiar audio controls — Give the user a clear idea what they can and cannot do

Know when there’s media — Give the user a unique but neutral alert sound for new messages.


Data (1st 24 days)

As KPIs, how do they compare to similar products?

Survey feedback (1st 24 days)

“Interesting” is... interesting?


Ways to Improve

Another take-away

How can we continue to make these media contexts a consideration creating the content itself?
